Quotes From Dhyan Vimal

Just to be, you try it, one moment when you are just you, the bliss is unbelievable. Tremendous bliss, you are settled in you. Just grounded as you, and from this ground, a new energy will arise that will have the ability to create in rightness.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The heart of a perfect disciple

By Master Dhyan Vimal...

i will start this verse with this with i hold in my heart for my gurus with is, 
just and just a servant i like to be , 
with i am to all my gurus, 
for their feet is what i sought for all my life, 
and the very life is for the feet and of my masters,
for i am nothing but that with seeks the feet of that with is
the pure and the love, and the divine embodied,
for i die a thousand time , in just the sight for my masters feet,
and the compassion and kindness that he embodies
his sight will finish me for i do not hope for that for i have never been worthy for his sight
for all i seek the sight of the gurus feet and the my the master see the back of my head while i serve his feet,
for i dont want his sight to be hurt by my face , for i am not even worthy to server his feet,
for i am nothing but a drop of his grace.............

at the feet of my masters
a boy from a small fishing village

who is a master now, and calls his disciples to his feet,
and this tradition will continue