Quotes From Dhyan Vimal

The journey of life should be grounded in knowing. To know. And to know there are things that cannot be known, there are things beyond knowing and that's fine. When this is established for oneself, there is order.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Embracing Change - How to Work with the Dynamics Underlying Change By DV

The foundation of change, when embraced, will reflect the truth of living. "Living is only possible when change can be embraced in a state of substance and bliss". This basic misunderstanding has caused people to live without change and this simple fact changes them in a negative way.Join Dhyan Vimal an realize the power behind change.

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Speaker's topic on finding direction to fill life's holes..Dhyan Vimal

Dhyan Vimal, in Canada on a book tour, stops in Burnaby this week for Rotary luncheon. By EmptyBowl.

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