Quotes From Dhyan Vimal

Are you ready to see you for what you are? I say whatever that can show you back to you grab it, because you are a mystery even to you and first solve that mystery before you attempt any other mystery. Then the first part of living is knowing oneself by allowing the reality to show you who you are and what you have been conditioned to become. The next is to free yourself from it and to choose that which you want to be... this stage Mastery is needed.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Superb Links To Master Dhyan Vimal's Talk

Get to know more about Master DHyan Vimal from Malaysia, A Modern Day Master. By EmptyBowl.

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The Power To Determine Your Own Destiny - The Risen State, By Dhyan Vimal

Talk By Master Dhyan Vimal, A Modern Day Enlightened Master on the power to determine your own destiny, The Risen State to his students and disciple in Malaysia. By EmptyBowl

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