Quotes From Dhyan Vimal

Work is, when you are who you are, and you act.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


1. The First Awareness

To be aware of where you are, and to know where you can be.

2. The Second Awareness

What I have to do, What I can do, What I am willing to do.

3. The Third Awareness

How I deny doing that which I should do and can do?

4. The Fourth Awareness

Recognition of one's strength

5. The Fifth Awareness

The recognition of the determiner and the failure to do so.

6. The Sixth Awareness

The awareness of how you see yourself

7. The Seventh Awareness

The awareness of that which you are creating, willing, moving towards, to that which you want to be.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Malaysian master to offer 'tangible' teachings-Dhyan Vimal Speaks In Canada

After a couple of years teaching in India, former Whistlerite Janet Love Morrison had seen enough “false gurus” with followers from the West to know when she stumbled upon something, and someone, that was genuine -someone who was sharing something she wanted to learn.Click the link for more story. By EmptyBowl

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Sunday, October 7, 2007

Superb Links To Master Dhyan Vimal's Talk

Get to know more about Master DHyan Vimal from Malaysia, A Modern Day Master. By EmptyBowl.

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The Power To Determine Your Own Destiny - The Risen State, By Dhyan Vimal

Talk By Master Dhyan Vimal, A Modern Day Enlightened Master on the power to determine your own destiny, The Risen State to his students and disciple in Malaysia. By EmptyBowl

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