Master's Breath - Secret Reveal By Dhyan Vimal, Modern Day Enlightened Master.
A Blog Dedicated To Share All the Happenings & Insights of Master Dhyan Vimal, A Modern Day Enlightened Master
Quotes From Dhyan Vimal
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
What Dhyan Vimal Stands For?
- I Stand For Love And Togetherness
- I Stand For Friendship And Co-operation
- I Stand For Non-violent Success And Non-abusive Abundance
- I Stand For Respect For All Religions, Races And Beliefs
- I Stand For Freedom On The Personal And The Global
- I Stand For Mastery And Meditation
- I Stand For You And Me
Dhyan Vimal Stands For
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Dhyan Vimal - Biography

This DV later came to recognize as the first satori. However his mother has related an earlier occasion at the age of four when he had another experience. Never one for the academics, DV spent most of his time on his own.. swimming, fishing the seas, away from the eyes of the ever watchful mother.
Towards early adulthood, DV left the village to further his studies in the city of Kuala Lumpur where he was in a situation in which he was totally dependent on himself for a living. From the age of 16 to 25, this was the time when he was really searching, a dark period of self-dependence. This period yielded a few interesting and important moments. One was a meeting with an old rishi who had resided in the Himalayas for many years and had only come back because he was dying and his family wanted him to. DV didn’t know or recognize the significance of his meeting with kindly, old man. All that it meant at that time was that this old man placed his hands on DV’s head and said, “What I have, I pass on to you…” Another interesting time was when DV would eat at a certain restaurant everyday. As this was the time when he was alone, he was always short of money.
This was where he met a yogi whose family ran the shop. He described this yogi as someone who looked very clean and had a glowing presence. The yogi would always promise that DV did not have to pay if he would sit and talk to him. DV has said that the yogi would sit with him and look into his eyes, laugh and say, “You’ll do this.” One event which was very important to DV was a mystical experience he had at Lumut, a small coastal town in Malaysia. Up to this point DV had not decide to teach and speak on these subjects but the occasion and the events led to his decision to seriously do this work. This was the beginning of the teachings of Mastery.
In 1988 for reasons known only to him, DV decided to take on sannyas. Despite being with many Masters this was when he received the name of Dhyan Vimal from Osho. After this he began teaching small groups of students and spent many years doing so. Life mainly consisted of hours spent in solitude. For many years, DV would spend his time alone, always sitting silently. Sometimes he would go fishing which is often his time of preparation for classes. At the age of 26, DV attained the first state of Samadhi. This was after years of studying, practice and a life devoted to this path. This was the point where things started clearing and we saw beginning of Mastery and meditation. DV began many different teachings, implementing meditation into life, students of meditation began coming, most of the students who came then are still here with Master. From this point, he began creating and modifying many trainings which have come to a point of perfection in the Four Disciplines today.
In 1994, just before a state of enlightenment, DV taught a miraculous class in a resort. To quote a statement made by a participant who became a student after this meeting, she said, “When he walked in, I felt like I was looking at a prince walking into the room, the room was bright and shining and filled with him and his magnitude.” Briefly after that Master said that the ‘I” was no more. This is what we later came to know as enlightenment.
What he wrote down and created the is Discipline One, known today as the Master Training. Today Master has created a simple system, The Four Disciplines, so meditation is for you and me, for us who live this life, in this world. For us who are here, now in this moment, in this mad, chaotic, exciting, crazy life. ....Biography extracted from
Biography - Dhyan Vimal
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